Chatdanger - A site all about the potential dangers on interactive services online like chat, IM, online games, email and on mobiles. - ENGLISH http://www.chatdanger.com
- GetNetWise - The Internet offers kids many opportunities for learning, constructive entertainment, and personal growth. At the same time, parents are concerned about the risks kids face online. The challenge for parents is to educate themselves and their children about how to use the Internet safely. GetNetWise can help. - ENGLISH
NetSmartz.org - Online resource with interactive activities and games teaching children, teens, parents & educators safety on the Internet. Fun safe Internet links for kids to learn about WizzyWigs, Webville Outlaws, and Internet safety rules. - ENGLISH http://www.netsmartz.org
- SafeSurf - SafeSurf created the Original Internet Rating System. SafeSurf helped design the PICS protocol. The SafeSurf Universal Rating Standard is supported by parents, schools, and every kind of site across the planet. SafeSurf offers the ability to easily self-rate and to upgrade your browser to support SafeSurfing. - ENGLISH