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 Links > Computers > Internet > Email > Spam

Fraud @(1)

  • Anti-Phishing Working Group - Its mission is to provide a resource for information on the problem and solutions for phishing and email fraud. - ENGLISH
  • BreakTheChain.org - Your source for common-sense evaluations of e-mail chain letters, helpful tips and advice. - ENGLISH
  • ContentChecker - Sparklist ContentChecker enables opt-in newsletter publishers to screen their messages against the SpamAssassin™ junk mail filters. - ENGLISH
  • Internet ScamBusters - An award winning free electronic newsletter (e-zine) to help people protect themselves from Internet scams, misinformation and hype that are costing entrepreneurs a fortune. - ENGLISH
  • KnujOn - A multi-tiered response to Internet threats, specifically email-based threats. The success of this project is based on the cooperative efforts of business, government, law enforcement, security professionals, consumers, and average citizens. Knujon is a meeting point for all parties who wish to make the Internet a safer place. This multi-purpose e-fraud tool has significantly reduced junk mail traffic to various users and on the Internet in general. As more networks begin using KnujOn spam, phishing, pharming and other threats will become issues of the past. - ENGLISH
  • Mailto Encoder - Encode your email address so that browsers can see it and spambots can not. - ENGLISH
  • PhishTank - Phishing is a fraudulent attempt, usually made through email, to steal your personal information. PhishTank is a collaborative clearing house for data and information about phishing on the Internet: submit suspected phishes, track the status of your submissions, verify other users' submissions, develop software with their free API. - ENGLISH
  • Purportal.com - The Bunk Stops Here. Hoax, Fraud, Scam and Misinformation resources. - ENGLISH
  • scr.im - Protect your email address. Share your email in a safe way. Get less spam. - ENGLISH
  • SpamRecycle.com - The Spam Recycling Center gives you a convenient and free outlet to a better understand "Spam", laws, and the technologies that are being created to help deter spammers. - ENGLISH
  • Vmyths.com - Learn about computer virus myths, hoaxes, urban legends, hysteria, and the implications if you believe in them. You can also search a list of computer virus hoaxes & virus hysteria from A to Z. - ENGLISH

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