- BNBFORM.CGI: The All-In-One Forms Processor - Easy to install script that handles an unlimited number of forms. Configured via the html form: direct data to e-mail and/or FILE, enforce data entry, autorespond with custom message for each form, redirects based on result of script's validation, sequential counter. Very flexible. Written in PERL5. It supports both Unix and Windows, both SMTP and SENDMAIL! On the same website you can find other useful scripts. - ENGLISH
- Contact Form - A Perl script that you can run on your website that will allow others to send you email through a web interface. Unlike other web to email gateways, Contact Form is designed to thwart spammers. It does not allow email to be sent to unknown addresses, nor does it reveal addresses that it knows. - ENGLISH
- Free Google Sitemap generator phpSitemapNG - With phpSitemapNG you can create xml-based Google Sitemaps and more. You can even extend the functionality with available plugins. - ENGLISH, GERMAN
- MathJax - An open source JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all modern browsers. - ENGLISH
- Matt's Script Archive - Over 20 free Perl and C++ CGI scripts to help make your web site more interactive! - ENGLISH
- TYPO3.org - TYPO3.org is the main developer resource of the TYPO3 project, a free CMS framework released under the GPL. This site provides lots of information about creating sites, writing extensions and developing the core of TYPO3. - ENGLISH
- WordPress - WordPress is a free state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, Web standards, and usability. - ENGLISH