- GoodTyping - Free online typing course. Guided lessons to learn step-by-step from the beginning. Learn how to type correctly in just a few hours using all your fingers. Web-based course. No downloads required. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
Keybr.com - Free online typing tutor that will help you to learn speed typing faster then ever. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES http://keybr.com
- Learn2Type.com - Learn to type online with this free Web site that helps you master the skills of touch-typing. The interactive exercises automatically adjust to your skill level. The better you get, the more challenging the exercises become. You can come and go as you please and pick up right where you left off. - ENGLISH
- Stenospeed.com - Improve your typing and shorthand skill thanks to a collection of live and dictated sound files, arranged by speed. - ENGLISH