- Cornell University Ergonomics Web - CUErgo presents information from research studies and class work by students and faculty in the Cornell Human Factors and Ergonomics Research Group (CHFERG), directed by Professor Alan Hedge, in the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis at Cornell University. CHFERG focuses on ways to enhance usability by improving the ergonomic design of hardware, software, and workplaces, to enhance people's comfort, performance and health. - ENGLISH
- HealthyComputing.com - HealthyComputing.com's free site helps visitors avoid computer-related injuries. The site contains tips on proper workstation setup, buyer's guides to ergonomic products, an encyclopedia of medical conditions associated with computer use, and a special section for common computer-related causes of discomfort and their potential fixes. The joint effort of nearly a dozen top physicians and ergonomists, HealthyComputing.com is the premier source for computer-related health and safety information. - ENGLISH