Antique Radio Home Page - Phil's Old Radios - The leading antique radio WWW site, featuring an online gallery of hundreds of antique radios with color photos and commentary, extensive information and links for collectors, sources of parts and repair services, a special beginner's section, construction projects, and extensive articles about restoring antique radios. - ENGLISH
- Antique Radios - A Web site for collectors of antique, vintage, and collectable radios. On-line forums, resources, chat. - ENGLISH
- FM only Radios Introduction - Collecting FM Table and Portable Radios... - ENGLISH
- Le Radio di Sophie - This Web site is devoted to the enthusiasts and the collectors of Italian antique radio. Here you will find a very comprehensive collection of schematics, covering almost the entire valve period (1930-1960) plus the early period of transistor (1957-1970), a forum, a photo gallery and more... - ITALIAN, ENGLISH
- OLD RADIOS in UK - European site for old radios collectors. Vintage radio collecting in UK. Antique radio buying, selling, reading, viewing, collecting, discussing and informing. Vintage radio museum. - ENGLISH
- Pocket and Portable Transistor Radios in - Here are hundreds of classic American, Japanese & European transistor radios from the Golden Age of transistor radios, 1954-1962. More than 350 pages of transistor pictures, graphics and information. - ENGLISH
- Sarah's Transistor Radios - In this Web site: a large online museum featuring hundreds of transistor radios, articles and texts, tube radios, links and more... - ENGLISH
- Wumpus's Old Radio World - German old radio related Web site, since 1996: old-time radio sets, transistor portables, tape recorders, tubes, transistors, phones, crystal receivers and more... - ENGLISH, GERMAN