- AllReaders.com - Reading lovers community. This site is for reading enthusiasts or anyone looking for a good book to satisfy their needs. Read reviews, post your own reviews. - ENGLISH
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- Book Sale Finder - On this Web site you'll find thousands of book sales, book fairs, book auctions, and other book events held throughout the USA and Canada. - ENGLISH
- Bookreporter.com - A site dedicated to book lovers and writers. Provides a forum for readers to communicate about the books and authors they enjoy. Author interviews, book reviews, reading group guides and lively book commentary all can be found here. New releases and perennial favorites. - ENGLISH
- Readers Read - Author interviews, book reviews, bestseller lists, book related resources and more... - ENGLISH
- Whatsthatbook.com - Are you looking for a book but can't remember the title or author? Join the growing Whatsthatbook.com community today! Find your long-lost book and help others find theirs! It's free! - ENGLISH
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