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 Links > Reference > Encyclopedias

Chemistry @(14)

Health and Medicine @(151)

Math @(17)

Musical Instruments @(4)

  • Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon - - GERMAN
  • Britannica.com - Search the world's most respected encyclopedia, expert reviews of the Web's best sites, timely articles from leading magazines, related books and more... - ENGLISH
  • Citizendium - A "citizens' compendium of everything," is an experimental new wiki project. The project, started by a founder of Wikipedia, aims to improve on that model by adding "gentle expert oversight" and requiring contributors to use their real names. - ENGLISH
  • Cook's Thesaurus - A cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations and suggested substitutions. - ENGLISH
  • Encyclopedia Astronautica - The single most comprehensive reference for the history of spaceflight. - ENGLISH
  • Encyclopedia of Mathematics - With more than 8,000 entries and nearly 50,000 notions, the Online Encyclopedia of Mathematics aims to be the most up-to-date and comprehensive English-language graduate-level reference work in the field of mathematics today. - ENGLISH
  • Foodista.com - The cooking encyclopedia everyone can edit. - ENGLISH
  • Infoplease - Information Please is the world's largest free reference site. Here you can find facts on thousands of subjects including sports, entertainment, technology, business, education, and health. - ENGLISH
  • Musipedia - A search engine for tunes and musical themes and a collaborative music encyclopedia. Only the melody needs to be known to search Musipedia or the Web. The melody can be played on a keyboard or whistled or sung to the computer. The Musipedia collection is editable by anybody, just like Wikipedia. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
  • Science & Engineering Encyclopaedia - The idea behind this site is to replace the standard data and formula books that should be on every engineer and scientist's bookshelf (but which often go astray) with an easy to use electronic version. The encyclopedia is broken into several sections including audio, chemistry, computing, math, mechanics, and physics. - ENGLISH
  • Similpedia - Find similar content in Wikipedia! - ENGLISH
  • The 1911 Edition Encyclopedia - It fills 29 volumes and contains over 44 million words. The articles are written by more than 1500 authors within their various fields of expertise. As a research tool, this 1911 encyclopedia edition is unparalleled, even today. - ENGLISH
  • The Encyclopedia Mythica - The Encyclopedia Mythica is an on-line encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legend. It contains thousands of articles and hundreds of images and stories. - ENGLISH
  • The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Free online encyclopedia, edited by James Fieser and Bradley Dowden, hosted by the University of Tennessee at Martin. - ENGLISH
  • WikiMindMap - A tool to browse easily and efficiently in Wiki content, inspired by the mindmap technique. - ENGLISH
  • Wikipedia - The free-content encyclopedia, written collaboratively by people from all around the world: over one million articles in more than 100 languages! - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES

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