- 800notes - A free reverse phone number lookup database. - ENGLISH
- Addresses.com - Addresses, free people search, phone directory, white pages, email addresses, phone numbers, yellow pages & celebrity addresses! - ENGLISH
- AreaConnect - AreaConnect allows you to search multiple yellow pages, white pages and directories... all tailored for your US city or town. - ENGLISH
- Bringo - Avoid phone trees and talk to a real human at financial services, travel, communications, and other large companies. - ENGLISH
- ContactHelp.com - Locate customer service phone numbers, support Web sites, steps for reaching actual people. Rate, comment on and even upload your own calls and experiences. - ENGLISH
- Country Codes - Country codes for international long distance calling made easy. Check all country calling codes and phone area codes free! - ENGLISH
- Fone Finder - Telephone search engine that returns the city, state, and country of any phone number in the world. - ENGLISH
Frank's compulsive guide to postal addresses - Effective Addressing for International Mail! - ENGLISH http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/postal.html
gethuman - The gethuman project is a consumer movement to improve the quality of phone support in the US. This free website is run by volunteers and is powered by over one million consumers who demand high quality phone support from the companies that they use. The most popular part of the gethuman website is the gethuman database of secret phone numbers and codes to get to a human when calling a company for customer service. - ENGLISH http://www.gethuman.com
- Infobel - Internet Phone books from the world. Yellow Pages, White Pages, Business directories, Fax directories, Email addesses, Internet websites. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
- InfoSpace - The yellow pages and white pages directory from InfoSpace claims to be the most convenient way to find people and businesses. - ENGLISH
- nonsoloCAP - Cerca i nuovi CAP di Poste Italiane con prefissi e codici catastali dei Comuni Italiani. Zone Postali di Milano, Roma e di altre Citta' d'Italia. - ITALIAN
- Phonebooks.com - Free online phone books and people search at Phonebooks.com. Find people, businesses, home phones, mobile phone numbers and more. - ENGLISH
- PhoneSpell - What does your phone number spell? What would you like your phone number to spell? PhoneSpell helps you pick a toll free vanity number (or local vanity number) or tells you what your existing number already spells. - ENGLISH
- TP2Location - Resolve any Telephone Number to its geographical location. - ENGLISH