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 Links > Science and Technology > Astronomy and Space

Astrobiology @(1)

Directories (1)

Education (1)

Encyclopedias @(16)

News and Publications (1)

Observatories (8)

Online Courses @(1)

Software (2)

  • AbsoluteAstronomy.com - General facts and statistical information about planets, moons, constellations, stars, galaxies and Messier objects. - ENGLISH
  • An Atlas of The Universe - Contains maps of the universe zooming out from the nearest stars to the entire visible universe. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
  • APOD Astronomy Picture of the Day - Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. - ENGLISH
  • Astronomy Online - Your first stop for Astronomy related topics, news, forums, resources and more! - ENGLISH
  • Cometography.com - Provides information on current and future comets, a catalog of periodic comets, information about their orbits as well as profiles of memorable comets of the past. - ENGLISH
  • Curious About Astronomy? - Astronomers at Cornell University will answer your questions. Contains an extensive archive of previous questions, astronomy-related links and more. - ENGLISH
  • Galaxy Zoo - The project which harnesses the power of the Internet - and your brain - to classify a million galaxies! - ENGLISH
  • Heavens-Above - On this Web site, by entering your home coordinates, you can get information about visible satellites such as the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle, spectacular events such as the dazzlingly bright flares from Iridium satellites as well as a wealth of other spaceflight and astronomical information. - ENGLISH
  • HobbySpace - Your webguide to space hobbies and activities, the site that will prove to you that everyone can participate in space exploration and development in one way or another! - ENGLISH
  • Infrared Astronomy - Learn all about infrared and infrared astronomy. See the latest images and discoveries. Includes detailed sections on the infrared universe and infrared spectroscopy. Also includes classroom activities and a section on how to get involved in astronomy. - ENGLISH, SPANISH
  • Mars Exploration Homepage - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is the leader in robotic Mars Exploration. Explore the wonders of Mars with JPL's help, by visiting the Mars Exploration home page. You will find fascinating information in sections called: Extreme Planet, Follow the Water, Mars Rocks, Life on Mars?, The Martian Mystique and Just for Kids. - ENGLISH
  • Nasa Human SpaceFlight - Nasa Web Video Audio. - ENGLISH
  • NASA Images - A service of Internet Archive, a non-profit library, to offer public access to NASA's images, videos and audio collections. NASA Images is constantly growing with the addition of current media from NASA as well as newly digitized media from the archives of the NASA Centers. The goal of NASA Images is to increase our understanding of the Earth, our solar system and the universe beyond in order to benefit humanity. - ENGLISH
  • Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy - The Bad Astronomy Web pages are devoted to airing out myths and misconceptions in astronomy and related topics. - ENGLISH
  • Planetary Photojournal: NASA's Image Access Home Page - Publicly released images from various Solar System exploration programs. - ENGLISH
  • Project Apollo Archive - An Apollo archive, including high-quality images and movie clips of the manned lunar landing programme. - ENGLISH
  • Sky-Map.org - Interactive sky map to consolidate astronomical, astrophysical and other information about different space objects and astrophysical facts. - ENGLISH
  • Solar System Simulator - A NASA/JPL/Caltech spyglass on the cosmos: here you will find a mixture of space-related images and programs which will help you visualize the Solar System and NASA space missions using computer graphics. - ENGLISH
  • Space.com - Space news, games, entertainment and science fiction. - ENGLISH
  • Spacelog - A Web site for experiencing early space missions through radio transcripts and photography. - ENGLISH
  • The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth - Hosts the best and most complete online collection of astronaut photographs of the Earth. - ENGLISH
  • The Nine Planets - An overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system. Each page has text and images, some have sounds and movies, most provide references to additional related information. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
  • The Solar System in Pictures - Pictures and quizzes about all the planets in the solar system. - ENGLISH
  • We Choose the Moon - An interactive experience recreating the historic Apollo 11 mission to the Moon in real time. Once where only three men made the trip, now millions can. - ENGLISH
  • Wikisky.org - Interactive Sky Map! - ENGLISH

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