- Hrih, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - The Internet archive of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is an all in one page, with different interpretations translated in different languages. - ENGLISH, VARIOUS LANGUAGES
- Yoga for Beginners - This website provides basic information for beginning yoga practitioners as well as useful books, tapes, and internet websites. - ENGLISH
Yoga Journal - Yoga news and information on poses, teachers, places, and more. - ENGLISH http://www.yogajournal.com
- Yoga Site - Online yoga resource center featuring a free teacher directory, posture info, Yoga Therapy Report, style guide, Q&A, retreats, links and the Shop@ Yoga Site offering yoga mats, props, yoga books, videos and CDs. - ENGLISH
- yoga.it - Sito dedicato alla ricerca spirituale con approfondimenti su yoga, tantra, meditazione, pranayama, elenco centri yoga in Italia. - ITALIAN