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 Links > Travel > Weather

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  • CNN.com - Weather - Weather news worldwide by CNN.com. - ENGLISH
  • Forecast - Full-featured, global weather service, complete with 7-day forecasts that cover world, beautiful weather visualizations, and a time machine for exploring the weather in the past and far future. - ENGLISH
  • Intellicast.com - Provides extensive specialized weather information to help plan all outdoor and weather sensitive activities, whether golfing, sailing, hiking, skiing or relaxing at the beach. Drawing on the meteorological knowledge of its staff, Intellicast.com now provides over 250,000 pages of detailed weather information. - ENGLISH
  • NOAA - National Weather Service - The starting point for official U.S. government weather forecasts, warnings, meteorological products for forecasting the weather, and information about meteorology. - ENGLISH
  • UM Weather - Provids access to thousands of forecasts, images, and the Net's largest collection of weather links. Non-profit service sponsored by The Weather Underground at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. - ENGLISH
  • Weather Bonk - A mashup that lets you view real time weather information on a map. The data comes from a combination of personal weather stations that are run from homes and schools as well as national weather services. - ENGLISH
  • Weather Underground - Find the Weather for any City, State or ZIP Code, or Country. Worldwide. Fast and easy to use interface. - ENGLISH
  • weather.com - Features current conditions and forecasts for over 77,000 locations worldwide, along with local and regional radars. - ENGLISH
  • WeatherSpark - Beautiful weather graphs and maps making in-depth weather information easily accessible. - ENGLISH
  • WetterOnline - Das Wetter in Deutschland und weltweit: Ozonwerten, Pollenflug, Biowetter, Pegelständen, Segelwetter, Schneehöhen und mehr. Mit Satellitenbilder und Wetterkarten. - GERMAN
  • WWHIM - Search forecasts for your ideal weather. Find the sun, rain or snow with wwhim.com and start planning a great trip - on a whim. - ENGLISH

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