



Here some little advice in order to use our service the best way.

First of all, it is good to remember how to cut, copy and paste selected text. You can give those commands using your keyboard. It is very comfortable and fast:

MS Windows users Macintosh users
CUT: Ctrl-X CUT: Command X
COPY: Ctrl-C COPY: Command C
PASTE: Ctrl-V PASTE: Command V

If you want to put into the Linksgiving.com database a lot of addresses, it is of course possible to prepare the URL's list at ease offline.
Use a text editor to make a file (e.g. Lgiv.txt) where to write your list. If you want to insert "various" and "looking for..." links, you would better type two lists, one under the other, in the same file. Write on each line one address (URL), e.g. www.linksgiving.com ("http://" is not necessary). After the URL, on the same line, you can type some notes (your comments about the site or what it is about) and/or the category to which the site could belong. When your work is over, save your file to disk.
Now you have your list ready.
Log on the Internet, go to Linksgiving.com and to the input page "Linksgiving". After the page has been loaded, LOG OFF the Internet (you can do like that if you pay for your Internet connection, in order to spare money).
Switch between "Lgiv.txt" and "Linksgiving", transferring the content of your file into the form (every URL into the proper field and the correspondent comment into the textarea): select the text with your mouse, use the CUT command, click on the page "Linksgiving" where you want to insert the text and PASTE it.
When you are over (and your file is empty) and you have filled in the other fields, just click on the button "Send" and your browser will ask you to log on the Internet once again in order to send your data to the Linksgiving.com server.


You would better have a file (e.g. LGiv.txt) at your disposal when you are on the Internet. As a matter of fact if you find an interesting site to insert into Linksgiving.com, you can paste its address into your file (e.g. LGiv.txt) while surfing.
It is very quick. You just have to click once in the browser address box. The URL gets selected. COPY it. Go to your file (e.g. LGiv.txt) and PASTE it.


If you want to insert into Linksgiving.com addresses directly from the favorite Web sites list you have in your browser, you can do as follows.

MS Windows users:

MS Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Opera
Press Ctrl-I to open the "Favorites" window. Right-clicking on the site whose address you want to copy and viewing its Properties, you can COPY the URL from the tabbed page "Web Document".
Press Ctrl-B to open the "Bookmarks" window. Right-clicking on the site whose address you want to copy and viewing its Properties, you can COPY the URL right away.
Press F4 to open the "Hotlist" window. Right-clicking on the site whose address you want to copy and viewing its Properties, you can COPY the URL right away.

Macintosh users:

MS Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Opera
Press Command J to open the "Favorites" window. Click once on the site whose address you want to copy, press Command I to view its Properties. There you can COPY the URL.
Press Command B to open the "Bookmarks" window. Click once on the site whose address you want to copy, press Command I to view its Properties. There you can COPY the URL.
If necessary, press Command B to open the "Bookmarks" window. Click once on the site whose address you want to copy, press Command I to view its Properties. There you can COPY the URL.


To get information about our Search Engine, please go to our Site Search Engine Help Page.


If you are caught in a frame and want to break out of it, click on our logo at the center top of the Homepage.

Having some more hints to suggest? Send an e-mail to .
Thank you!

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