Welcome to the Weekly Link Award homepage!
The Weekly Link Award used to be given every Sunday, from January 6th 2002 to December 30th 2012, to 571 outstanding Web sites of the Linksgiving.com's collection that distinguished themselves for
- originality of concept,
- easiness of navigation,
- pleasant design,
- clarity and completeness of information,
- browser-independent accessibility,
and that
- gave visitors the sensation to really have found what they were looking for,
- made them feel at home and want to come back again,
- gave a considerable contribution to the Internet community.
This month we feature these great websites, chosen out of our past winners:
Cyndi's List Genealogy sites on the Internet: more than 292,140 links! 281,850 links, categorized & cross-referenced, in over 180 categories. Another 10,290+ uncategorized new links in the works. https://www.cyndislist.com Links :: Society :: Genealogy :: Directories
HotScripts A comprehensive Web directory of more than 41,000 Web development and programming-related resources. Hot Scripts serves webmasters, developers, business owners, marketers, coders and programmers, who are looking to build, enhance or improve their Web sites and intranets. https://www.hotscripts.com Links :: Computers :: Internet :: Website Design :: Scripts :: Directories
RED Free Circuit Designs Offers various free electronic schematics for the hobbyist to build useful and original devices. http://www.redcircuits.com Links :: Science and Technology :: Electronics :: Circuits and Schematics
The Weekly Link Award
Only to High Quality Selected Sites from the Linksgiving.com's Collection