"Only a life lived for others is a life worth while".
Albert Einstein
This project consisted in giving free space on our homepage to a charity/humanitarian/non-profit Web site.
Every month, for almost 13 years, we used to feature an organization in our "Help others help..." box on our homepage and on this page.
Please, visit our featured sites to help people in need
RoadPeace RoadPeace is a UK charity for road crash victims and is a membership organisation. Members include those who have been bereaved or injured in road crashes and also those who are concerned about road danger. Roadpeace is a member of the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR), which has UN Consultative Status. http://www.roadpeace.org
Teach For All Teach For All is a global network of independent social enterprises working to expand educational opportunity in their countries by enlisting talented future leaders to the effort. http://www.teachforall.org
African Immigrant and Refugee Foundation The African Immigrant and Refugee Foundation (AIRF) was founded in 2000 to facilitate the effective transition of African Immigrant to American society and to support their productive, sustainable integration into their new homeland. http://airfound.org
The Water Project The Water Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization unlocking human potential by providing sustainable water projects to communities in sub-Saharan Africa who suffer needlessly from a lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation. For over seven years, they have been helping communities gain access to clean, safe water by providing training, expertise and financial support for water project construction through their staff and implementing partners. http://thewaterproject.org
Brake Brake is a road safety charity that exists to stop the needless deaths and serious injuries that happen on roads every day, make streets and communities safer for everyone, and care for families bereaved and injured in road crashes. Brake promotes road safety awareness, safe and sustainable road use and effective road safety policies. http://www.brake.org.uk
ANERA ANERA (American Near East Refugee Aid) is a leading development organization improving the lives of Palestinian refugees and poor families in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. They reach the region's most vulnerable people with their health, education and economic development programs and provide humanitarian and emergency relief in times of crisis. http://www.anera.org
War Child War Child is an international charity that provides life-changing support to the most vulnerable children whose families, communities and schools have been torn apart by war. They currently work in Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Syria, and Uganda. http://www.warchild.org.uk
Water For People Water For People is an international, nonprofit humanitarian organization that focuses on long-lasting, safe drinking water resources and improved sanitation facilities in the developing world. http://www.waterforpeople.org
The Resource Foundation The Resource Foundation is a U.S. nonprofit organization that helps donors support effective, locally-driven development programs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through partnerships, technical assistance, and grants to carefully vetted organizations in 28 countries, The Resource Foundation fulfills its mission to empower the disadvantaged so that they can have the skills, knowledge, and opportunities to improve their lives. http://www.resourcefnd.org
Kids In Need Foundation The Kids In Need Foundation is a US 501(c)(3) charitable organization founded in 1995. The Kids In Need Foundation's mission is to ensure that every child is prepared to learn and succeed by providing free school supplies nationally to students most in need. http://www.kinf.org
Tourette Syndrome Association Its mission is to identify the cause of, find the cure for and control the effects of Tourette Syndrome. They offer resources and referrals to help people and their families cope with the problems that occur with TS. They raise public awareness and counter media stereotypes about TS. Their membership includes individuals, families, relatives, and medical and allied professionals working in the field. http://tsa-usa.org
@Heart @Heart provides functional and emotional support for New Zealand kids, teens, adults and families affected by childhood heart conditions. http://heartnz.org.nz
CARE CARE is a humanitarian organization providing disaster relief and fighting poverty around the world. http://care.org
Bipolar UK Bipolar UK is the national charity dedicated to supporting individuals with the much misunderstood and devastating condition of bipolar, their families and carers. http://www.bipolaruk.org.uk
Alzheimer's Disease International Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) believes that the key to winning the fight against dementia lies in a unique combination of Global Solutions and local knowledge. As such, it works locally, by empowering Alzheimer associations to promote and offer care and support for people with dementia and their carers, while working globally to focus attention on dementia. http://www.alz.co.uk
Action on Smoking and Health Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) envisions a world free of tobacco-related damage, disease and death. This is accomplished by taking action to educate the public and decision makers, track the tobacco industry, and work for sensible public policies at the local, national and global levels. http://ash.org
American Parkinson Disease Association The American Parkinson Disease Association, Inc. was founded in 1961 to "ease the burden and find a cure" for Parkinson's disease. Headquartered in New York, the organization focuses its energies on research, patient services, education, and raising public awareness about the disease. http://www.apdaparkinson.org
ALS Association The ALS Association encourages scientific research to find a cure for ALS, heightens awareness of the nature of the disease, stimulates volunteerism and activism, and increases awareness of government leaders to encourage support of research and patient care. http://www.alsa.org
RESULTS Educational Fund Its mission is to create the public and political will to end poverty by empowering individuals to exercise their personal and political power for change. They combine the voices of their passionate grassroots activists with strategic grass-tops efforts to leverage millions of dollars for programs and improved policies that give low-income people the health, education, and opportunity they need to thrive. http://www.results.org
Autism Society of America The Autism Society exists to improve the lives of all affected by autism. They do this by increasing public awareness about the day-to-day issues faced by people on the spectrum, advocating for appropriate services for individuals across the lifespan, and providing the latest information regarding treatment, education, research and advocacy. http://www.autism-society.org
Foundation For Hope In Africa FFHIA is a volunteer, non-profit organization based in the United States that helps the people of Africa reach their full potential. By digging water wells, providing health and sanitation education, sponsoring business endeavors, they help to improve the quality of life and transform poor villages into self-sustaining communities. They do this by engaging a caring community of volunteers, project sponsors, donors, partners and friends in the United States, Africa, and throughout the world. http://www.foundationforhopeinafrica.org
National Blind Children's Society The National Blind Children's Society helps children and young people who are blind or partially sighted to achieve their educational and recreational goals through specialist independent support and information from first diagnosis. http://www.nbcs.org.uk
Robin Hood For more than 20 years, Robin Hood has fought poverty in New York City. They find, fund and partner with programs that have proven to be an effective remedy to poverty and are a consistent force for good in the lives of New Yorkers in need. http://www.robinhood.org
ONE ONE is a grassroots campaign of more than 3 million people committed to the fight against extreme poverty and preventable diseases. http://www.one.org
Amnesty International Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights. Their vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. They are independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion, and are funded mainly by their membership and public donations. http://www.amnesty.org
Project HOPE Founded in 1958, Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) is dedicated to providing lasting solutions to health problems with the mission of helping people to help themselves. http://www.projecthope.org
NSPCC The NSPCC's vision is to end cruelty to children in the UK. They campaign to change the law, provide ChildLine and the NSPCC helpline service, offer advice for adults, and much more. See what's new with their work - or make a difference by volunteering or donating. http://www.nspcc.org.uk
The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus is a non-profit state-of-the-art mobile audio and HD video recording and production facility. In its fifteenth year, with the very newest technology and gear, the Bus continues to be dedicated to providing young people with tours of the studios and participation in free songwriting and multimedia production workshops. With the assistance of three on-board engineers, students learn how to write, perform, record, and produce original songs, produce and shoot music videos and documentaries and complete a broadcast quality music video - all in one day. http://www.lennonbus.org
Sightsavers Sightsavers works to combat blindness in developing countries, restoring sight through specialist treatment and eye care. They also support people who are irreversibly blind by providing education, counselling and training. Sightsavers helps the people who need it most - those living in poverty in some of the world's poorest countries. http://www.sightsavers.org
Reading Is Fundamental Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) is the largest children's literacy nonprofit in the United States. Through RIF programs, they prepare and motivate children to read by delivering free books and literacy resources to children who need them most. http://www.rif.org
ActionAid Poverty is a denial and violation of human rights. At the heart of ActionAid's work lies the core belief in each human being's fundamental right to food, shelter, work, education, health care and a voice in the decisions that shape their lives. http://www.actionaid.org
notMYkid notMYkid is a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower youth to reach their full potential by inspiring positive life choices. http://notmykid.org
Invisible Children Invisible Children uses film, creativity and social action to end the use of child soldiers in Joseph Kony's rebel war and restore LRA-affected communities in central Africa to peace and prosperity. http://www.invisiblechildren.com
World Vision World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Working in nearly 100 countries around the world, World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. http://www.worldvision.org
Acumen Fund Acumen Fund is a non-profit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to solve the problems of global poverty. http://www.acumenfund.org
National Blood Clot Alliance The National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA) is a patient-led, voluntary health advocacy organization. NBCA programs include patient education and professional training on the signs, symptoms and prevention of blood clots and clotting disorders. http://www.stoptheclot.org
PATH PATH is an international nonprofit organization that creates sustainable, culturally relevant solutions, enabling communities worldwide to break longstanding cycles of poor health. PATH's mission is to improve the health of people around the world by advancing technologies, strengthening systems, and encouraging healthy behaviors. http://www.path.org
Help Harry Help Others Harry was an inspiration to children and adults alike in his quest to raise awareness of brain cancer through his campaign 'Help Harry Help Others'. He single handedly raised over £195,000 for brain cancer research by fundraising and selling hand-made bracelets. http://www.helpharryhelpothers.com
Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy is the largest nonprofit organization in the United States focused entirely on Duchenne. They take a comprehensive approach in the fight against Duchenne: funding research, raising awareness, promoting advocacy, connecting the community, and broadening treatment options. Only this comprehensive approach will lead to the ultimate success: the day that 100% of those diagnosed can turn to a treatment that will end Duchenne. http://www.parentprojectmd.org
DKMS The DKMS mission is to save lives by recruiting bone marrow donors for leukemia patients. DKMS is the largest bone marrow donor center in the world. http://www.dkmsamericas.org
LIVESTRONG LIVESTRONG serves people affected by cancer and empowers them to take action against the world's leading cause of death. Created as the Lance Armstrong Foundation in 1997 by cancer survivor and champion cyclist Lance Armstrong, the organization is now known publicly by its powerful brand -- LIVESTRONG -- and is a leader in the global movement on behalf of 28 million people around the world living with cancer today. http://www.livestrong.org
Not For Sale Not For Sale equips and mobilizes smart activists to deploy innovative solutions to re-abolish slavery in their own backyards and across the globe. http://www.notforsalecampaign.org
Sleeping Children Around the World Sleeping Children Around the World donations provide bedkits to children of any race and/or religion who will benefit the most; typically being located in underdeveloped and developing countries. http://www.scaw.org
International Rivers International Rivers works to protect rivers and rights, and promote real solutions for meeting water, energy and flood management needs around the globe. http://www.internationalrivers.org
Brother's Brother Foundation The mission of Brother's Brother Foundation (BBF) is to promote international health and education through the efficient and effective distribution and provision of donated medical, educational, agricultural and other resources. All BBF programs are designed to fulfill its mission by connecting people's resources with people's needs. http://www.brothersbrother.org
Architecture for Humanity Architecture for Humanity provides professional design services to community groups, non-governmental organizations, funding agents, social entrepreneurs and other not-for-profit organizations. Using design as a tool, they empower their partners to build a more sustainable future. http://architectureforhumanity.org
DonorsChoose.org DonorsChoose.org is an online charity that makes it easy for anyone to help students in need. You give to a classroom project, DonorsChoose.org delivers the materials to the class, kids learn and show it in photos and thank-you notes. http://www.donorschoose.org
Be The Match Foundation® Be The Match Foundation® raises funds to help patients in need of a bone marrow or umbilical cord blood transplant receive the treatment they need. A gift to Be The Match Foundation provides financial assistance for patients who need help with treatment costs, funds medical research to keep advancing transplant science, adds more donors to Be The Match Registry®, increasing the chances that more patients will find their match. http://www.marrow.org
Millennium Promise Millennium Promise is the leading international non-profit organization solely committed to supporting the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals to halve extreme poverty by 2015. Millennium Promise oversees the Millennium Villages project, which supports integrated social and business development services for more than 500,000 people in rural communities across 10 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. http://www.millenniumpromise.org
American Association for Cancer Research The mission of the AACR is to prevent and cure cancer through research, education, communication, and collaboration. Through its programs and services, the AACR fosters research in cancer and related biomedical science; accelerates the dissemination of new research findings among scientists and others dedicated to the conquest of cancer; promotes science education and training; and advances the understanding of cancer etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment throughout the world. http://www.aacr.org
Lifeline Energy Lifeline Energy tackles energy poverty by providing renewable alternatives to those most in need. Focusing on vulnerable women, children and families, they distribute solar and self-powered environmentally friendly technologies such as the Lifeplayer MP3 radio and Lifelight flashlight. http://www.lifelineenergy.org
charity: water charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations directly fund water projects. http://www.charitywater.org
ChildFund International ChildFund, established in 1938, is dedicated to helping children in need. ChildFund believes all children deserve an environment of hope, especially those who experience deprivation, exclusion and vulnerability. http://www.childfund.org
Mercy Corps Mercy Corps exists to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities. http://www.mercycorps.org
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by funding innovative research, and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis through grants, information and advocacy. http://www.christopherreeve.org
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world's largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services. LLS's mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Since its founding in 1949, LLS has invested more than $680 million for research specifically targeting blood cancers. http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org
Innocence Project The Innocence Project is a national U.S. litigation and public policy organization dedicated to exonerating wrongfully convicted people through DNA testing and reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice. http://www.innocenceproject.org
Mobile Giving Foundation The Mobile Giving Foundation brings the power and reach of mobile phones to nonprofit organizations as a new fundraising and donor interaction mechanism. Their goal is to enable the "mobile channel" for charitable giving in support of good causes by using the convenience, security and ubiquity of text messaging and other wireless network based billing systems. http://mobilegiving.org
Music for Relief Founded by the band Linkin Park, Music for Relief is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing aid to victims of natural disasters and the prevention of such disasters. Since its inception in 2005, Music for Relief has raised over $3 million for victims of multiple disasters across four continents and planted over 810,000 trees to help reduce global warming. http://www.musicforrelief.org
Book Aid International Book Aid International increases access to books to support literacy, education and development in sub-Saharan Africa. They are one of the world's foremost library development charities and provide around half a million books to libraries sub-Saharan Africa and the Occupied Palestinian Territories every year. They support libraries in schools, refugee camps, prisons, universities, communities and more. http://www.bookaid.org
Bikes for the World Bikes for the World is a sponsored project of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association whose mission is to collect valuable but unwanted bicycles and related material (parts, tools, and accessories) in the United States and deliver it at low cost to community development programs assisting the poor in developing countries. http://bikesfortheworld.org
Sarah's Covenant Homes Children with diagnoses of "mental retardation" and other neurological special needs are the most likely to be abandoned and least likely to be adopted children in India. Sarah's Covenant Homes receive abandoned children with epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism, cognitive challenges, and various syndromes, providing them with lots of love, therapy, medical and surgical care, and educational opportunities so that they can thrive and reach their full potential. http://sarahscovenanthomes.blogspot.com
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children's mission is to help prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation; help find missing children; and assist victims of child abduction and sexual exploitation, their families, and the professionals who serve them. http://www.missingkids.com
A Child's Hope Foundation A Child's Hope Foundation provides orphaned children in developing countries a healthy, caring environment while seeking a loving family for them. With your help they can save lives, build families, and be a child's hope for love and belonging in this world. http://www.achildshopefoundation.org
Feeding America Feeding America is the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity. Its mission is to feed America's hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage the country in the fight to end hunger. Each year, the Feeding America network provides food assistance to more than 25 million low-income people facing hunger in the United States, including more than 9 million children and nearly 3 million seniors. http://feedingamerica.org
American Liver Foundation Although liver disease is among the ten major causes of death in the United States, there was no national voluntary health agency devoted exclusively to combating liver diseases until 1976, when the American Liver Foundation was formed. ALF makes a measurable difference in the fight against liver disease by providing financial support for medical research, education for medical professionals, and advocacy and information for patients and their families, and by creating public awareness campaigns about liver wellness and disease prevention. http://www.liverfoundation.org
Kim Phuc Foundation International The Kim Phuc Foundation is a private charitable organization that is founded by Kim Phuc, once the little girl running away from a napalm bombing during the Vietnam war on the famous black and white photograph taken by Nick Ut. It is dedicated to providing funds to support the work of international organizations that provide free medical assistance to children who are victims of war and terrorism. http://www.kimfoundation.com
SOS Children's Villages - USA SOS Children's Villages is the world's largest orphan charity caring for over 70,000 children in its Villages and a further one million in the communities surrounding its Villages. With a presence in 132 countries, SOS has a sponsorship program that allows people to sponsor an SOS child making it possible for the sponsored child to grow up in a secure environment. http://www.sos-usa.org
Canstruction A foundation of the Society for Design Administration (SDA), Canstruction® is a design/build competition currently held in cities throughout North America. Teams of architects, engineers, and students mentored by these professionals, compete to design and build giant structures made entirely from full cans of food. The results are displayed to the public as magnificent sculpture exhibits in each city where a competition is held. At the close of the exhibitions all of the canned food used in the structures is donated to local food banks for distribution to emergency feeding programs that include pantries, soup kitchens, elderly and day care centers. Since its inception, ten million pounds of food has been donated to aid in the fight against hunger. http://www.canstruction.org
Books For Africa Books For Africa is the world's largest shipper of donated books to the African continent. Since 1988, Books For Africa has shipped over 20 million high-quality text and library books to 45 African countries. Millions more are needed. It costs $9,500 to send a sea container of books and computers to Africa. Your donation will enable Books For Africa to send even more books to children in Africa who are hungry to read, hungry to learn. As it costs about 50 cents to send one book, with only $10 you can donate 20 books to an African school. http://www.booksforafrica.org
Operation BobbiBear Child abuse in South Africa is rampant and people at Operation BobbiBear fight for the rights of sexually abused children, they operate to fight for those who are unable to fight for themselves. Children are our future and those without the support of families need just as much help as any other human being. Operation BobbiBear exists for the children... http://www.bobbibear.org.za
David Lynch Foundation The David Lynch Foundation was established to ensure that any child in America who wants to learn and practice the Transcendental Meditation program can do so. The TM program is the most thoroughly researched and widely practiced program in the world for developing the full creative potential of the brain and mind, improving health, reducing stress, and improving academic outcomes. http://www.davidlynchfoundation.org
National Disaster Search Dog Foundation The mission of the Search Dog Foundation is to produce the most highly trained canine disaster search teams in the US. The job of these teams is to find people buried alive in the wreckage of natural disasters and terrorist attacks. To create these teams, SDF recruits rescued dogs from shelters and breed rescue groups, gives them professional training, and partners them with firefighters and other first responders at no cost to their departments. SDF ensures lifetime care for every dog in its program: once rescued, these dogs will never need to be rescued again. http://www.searchdogfoundation.org
American Cancer Society The American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering through research, education, advocacy, and service. http://www.cancer.org
Kiva Make a loan to an entrepreneur in the developing world for as little as $25. Kiva is the world's first online lending platform connecting online lenders to entrepreneurs across the globe. http://www.kiva.org
Soles4Souls Soles4Souls has a simple mission: To impact as many lives as possible with the gift of shoes. Soles4Souls facilitates the donations of shoes, which are used to aid the hurting worldwide. Shoe companies, retailers, and individuals can donate footwear (both new and used). Soles4Souls is a 501(c)(3) recognized by the IRS, and donating parties are eligible for tax advantages. http://www.soles4souls.org
Room to Read Room to Read was founded on the belief that "World Change Starts with Educated Children" - and that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. They strive to provide children access to education, one child at a time, one school at a time, and one village at a time. Through partnerships with local communities they work to create educational opportunities and establish educational infrastructure. Their efforts are currently focused in Cambodia, India, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, South Africa, and Zambia - all countries with a desperate lack of resources to educate their children. In addition to these countries, they continue to research expansion into new countries and new projects each year. http://www.roomtoread.org
The Smile Train Unlike many charities that do many different things, The Smile Train is focused on solving a single problem: cleft lip and palate. Clefts are a major problem in developing countries where there are millions of children who are suffering with unrepaired clefts. Most cannot eat or speak properly, aren't allowed to attend school or hold a job, and face very difficult lives filled with shame and isolation, pain and heartache. The good news is every single child with a cleft can be helped with surgery that costs as little as $250 and takes as little as 45 minutes. The Smile Train's mission is to provide free cleft surgery for millions of poor children in developing countries, and free cleft-related training for doctors and medical professionals around the world. http://www.smiletrain.org
Positive Exposure Positive Exposure allows participants and audiences to challenge the stigma associated with difference by celebrating the beauty and richness of genetic conditions and human diversity. http://www.positiveexposure.org
WaterAid WaterAid is an international charity. Their mission is to overcome poverty by enabling the world's poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education. http://www.wateraid.org
Chernobyl Children’s Project International Since its establishment in 1991, Chernobyl Children’s Project International (CCPI) has delivered over €70 million in direct and indirect humanitarian aid to the Chernobyl region. CCPI aims to restore hope to the people of the Chernobyl-affected region. They continue to deliver relevant projects and programmes by maintaining strong links with many international and Belarusian agencies and organisations and by then adapting and changing the work that they do according to the changing needs of the children, the adults and the communities they work with. http://www.chernobyl-international.com
Global Partners for Development Since 1989, Global Partners for Development has worked to achieve an end to hunger throughout the world, especially as it affects the survival and development of children. The purpose of Global Partners for Development is to bring outside resources to communities that struggle with the innumerable problems associated with hunger and poverty, and to assist those communities in bringing about appropriate development, improved health, education, and economic self-reliance. http://gpfd.org
Associated Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired Associated Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired is located in historic Center City, Philadelphia. It is their goal at ASB to help the blind and visually impaired regain their independence, self-esteem and confidence so that they may lead active, productive and healthy lives. http://www.asb.org
Autism Research Institute The Autism Research Institute (ARI), a non-profit organization, was established in 1967. ARI is primarily devoted to conducting research, and to disseminating the results of research, on the triggers of autism and on methods of diagnosing and treating autism. They provide research-based information to parents and professionals around the world. http://www.autism.com
The Psoriasis Association Founded in 1968 by Dr. Dick Coles the Association has three fundamental aims: to support those who have psoriasis, to raise awareness about psoriasis and to fund research into the causes of and treatments for psoriasis. http://www.psoriasis-association.org.uk
Wheelchair Foundation The Wheelchair Foundation is a nonprofit organization leading an international effort to deliver a wheelchair to every child, teen and adult in the world who needs one, but cannot afford one. Since being founded in June 2000, they have delivered over 625,000 new wheelchairs to people in need in 152 countries. http://www.wheelchairfoundation.org
John Tracy Clinic John Tracy Clinic is a private, non-profit education center founded by Louise Treadwell Tracy, wife of actor Spencer Tracy, in 1942. Its mission is to offer hope, guidance and encouragement to families of infants and preschool children with hearing losses by providing free, parent-centered services worldwide. The Clinic has over 60 years of expertise in the spoken language option. http://www.jtc.org
The Icarus Project "The Icarus Project is creating a new culture and language that resonates with our actual experiences of madness and 'mental illness' rather than trying to fit our lives into a conventional framework. We are a website community, support network of local groups, and media project created by and for people struggling with bipolar disorder and other dangerous gifts commonly labeled as 'mental illnesses'. We believe that when we learn to take care of ourselves, the intertwined threads of madness and creativity can be tools of inspiration and hope in a repressed and damaged world. Our goal is to help people like ourselves feel less alienated, and to allow us - both as individuals and as a community - to tap into the true potential that lies between brilliance and madness". http://theicarusproject.net
World Food Programme WFP is the United Nations frontline agency in the fight against global hunger. Operations aim to: save lives in refugee crises and other emergencies; improve nutrition and quality of life of world's most vulnerable people at critical times in their lives; enable development by helping people build assets that benefit them directly and by promoting the self-reliance of poor people and communities. http://www.wfp.org
Flashes of Hope Flashes of Hope is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating uplifting portraits of children fighting cancer and other life threatening illnesses. The portraits, taken by award-winning photographers, help children feel better about their changing appearance by celebrating it. For families of terminally ill children, it's especially important to have a portrait that preserves forever the beauty, grace and dignity of their child. http://www.flashesofhope.org
Spina Bifida Association The mission of SBA is to promote the prevention of spina bifida and to enhance the lives of all affected. Through its network of 57 chapters, SBA has a presence in more than 125 communities nationwide and serves thousands of people each year. http://www.sbaa.org
Michael J. Fox Foundation The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research is dedicated to ensuring the development of a cure for Parkinson's disease within this decade through an aggressively funded research agenda. http://www.michaeljfox.org
KidsPeace KidsPeace is a private, not-for-profit organization which gives kids peace through mental health treatment programs, crisis intervention and public education, includes The National Center for Kids Overcoming Crisis, a comprehensive continuum of kids' mental health treatment programs and also acts as a national liaison for intervention services, and educates kids, parents and professionals around the globe in how to avert crisis. http://www.kidspeace.org
Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world. They stand with victims and activists to bring offenders to justice, to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom and to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime. They investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers accountable. http://www.hrw.org
Keep A Child Alive Keep A Child Alive is an urgent response to the AIDS pandemic ravaging Africa. With 25 million already dead, the disease continues, wiping out whole societies, threatening economic infrastructure and creating tragic devastation in the family structure. There are currently 12 million AIDS Orphans in Africa alone. Keep A Child Alive is dedicated to providing life-saving anti-retroviral treatment to children and their families with HIV/AIDS in Africa and the developing world by directly engaging the global public in the fight against AIDS. http://www.keepachildalive.org
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance is the US leading patient-directed organization focusing on the most prevalent mental illnesses depression and bipolar disorder. The organization fosters an understanding about the impact and management of these life-threatening illnesses by providing up-to-date, scientifically-based tools and information written in language the general public can understand. DBSA supports research to promote more timely diagnosis, develop more effective and tolerable treatments and discover a cure. The organization works to ensure that people living with mood disorders are treated equitably. http://www.dbsalliance.org
Feed The Children Feed The Children is a non-profit relief organization that delivers food, medicine, clothing and other necessities to children and families who lack these essentials due to famine, war, poverty or natural disaster. http://www.feedthechildren.org
New York Council on Adoptable Children The New York Council on Adoptable Children (COAC), founded in 1972, is an adoption service agency whose mission is to insure that legally freed older and special needs children in the New York City foster care system, and children affected by AIDS, are placed with permanent, loving families. COAC acts on the belief that every child deserves such a family. http://www.coac.org
The Global Fund The Global Fund was created to finance a dramatic turn-around in the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. These diseases kill over 6 million people each year, and the numbers are growing. http://www.theglobalfund.org
National Missing Persons Helpline The UK's only charity dedicated to helping missing people and supporting their famlies while they wait for news. http://www.missingpersons.org
Autism Speaks Autism Speaks is dedicated to funding global biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for autism; to raising public awareness about autism and its effects on individuals, families, and society; and to bringing hope to all who deal with the hardships of this disorder. http://www.autismspeaks.org
Oxfam International Oxfam International is an international confederation, comprised of 12 independent non-government organizations dedicated to fighting poverty and related injustice around the world. Its mission is a just world without poverty and its goal is to enable people to exercise their rights and manage their own lives. http://www.oxfam.org
Operation USA Operation USA, a non-profit Los Angeles-based disaster relief agency in operation for over 27 years, assists developing communities in USA and abroad in addressing problems relating to natural and man-made disasters and chronic poverty through the creation of sustainable health, nutrition and disaster response programs. They provide essential materials, training, advocacy and financial support for such programs. http://www.opusa.org
Ataxia UK The word ataxia means 'absence of order'. People with ataxia have problems of co-ordination. This is because parts of the nervous system that normally control co-ordination and balance are affected. Ataxia UK supports people affected by ataxia with research, information, welfare grants, campaigning and the opportunity to meet and help others in a similar position. http://www.ataxia.org.uk
The Progeria Research Foundation The mission of The Progeria Research Foundation is to find the cure and effective treatment for Progeria and its related disorders, supporting medical research and promoting education and public awareness of this fatal genetic condition which is characterized by an appearance of accelerated aging in children. http://www.progeriaresearch.org
Action Against Hunger Recognized worldwide as a leader in the fight against hunger, Action Against Hunger delivers programs in over 40 countries, specializing in emergency situations of war, conflict, and natural disasters and longer-term assistance to people in distress. Its ultimate goal is to help vulnerable populations regain their self-sufficiency for long term sustainability. http://www.actionagainsthunger.org
International Osteoporosis Foundation The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) is an international non-governmental organization whose mission is to advance the understanding of osteoporosis and to promote prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease worldwide. http://www.osteofound.org
DebRA This Web site is your entry point to the only national non-profit organization dedicated to both promoting research to find new treatments and a cure for Epidermolysis Bullosa and providing information and support for people with EB and their families. http://www.debra.org
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation A unique foundation that has evolved from a young cancer patient's front yard lemonade stand to a nationwide fundraising movement for childhood cancer. It is committed to raising money and awareness for pediatric cancer causes, primarily research into new cures and treatments, encouraging and educating others, especially children, to collect funds for childhood cancer. http://www.alexslemonade.org
American Bone Marrow Donor Registry A bone marrow donor recruitment tax-exempt, non-profit organization and donor registry, providing resources for potential marrow donors and recipients of bone marrow transplants. Founded in 1985. http://www.abmdr.org
Mercy and Grace Orphanage - India Mercy & Grace is a non-profit, Christian, church based and charitable organization by providing physical, spiritual, educational, vocational/technical, psychological and economical services to the poor and needy. http://www.orphanage.org/asia/india/mercyandgrace/
Hope and Homes for Children Hope and Homes for Children is an international children's charity working with orphaned and abandoned children in Eastern Europe and Africa. Since 1994 they have helped to secure the lives, and future livelihoods, of over 10,000 orphaned or abandoned children in 13 countries. http://www.hopeandhomes.org
Children's AIDS Fund The Children's AIDS Fund works to limit suffering of children and their families caused by HIV disease by providing care, services, resources, referrals, and education. http://www.childrensaidsfund.org
Colon Cancer Network (offline) Colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. CCNetwork's website is intended to assist people with cancer, their family, friends and care givers find the information to help them make decisions regarding treatment and management of their disease. http://www.colorectal-cancer.net
Spencer Crawford Childrens Foundation A not-for-profit organization founded to assist children diagnosed with a life threatening illness and their families with the physical, emotional and financial assistance needed to ease the day to day struggles of caring for an ill child. http://www.spencercrawford.org
Helen Keller International Founded in 1915, Helen Keller International is among the oldest international nonprofit organizations devoted to fighting and treating preventable blindness worldwide. HKI builds local capacity and provides technical and scientific assistance to governments, international, national and local organizations, and individuals around the world. http://www.hki.org
Plan USA Plan USA is an international, humanitarian, child sponsorship and child focused development organization. Plan works in 45 developing countries within Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Sponsor a child today and make a difference by helping children and their families realize their full potential. http://www.planusa.org
Direct Relief International Since 1948, Direct Relief International has worked to improve the quality of life for people in need by providing essential material resources to locally run health programs in poor areas around the world and during times of disaster. Direct Relief International is a non-profit, non-political, and non-sectarian organization that provides assistance without regard to race, ethnicity, political or religious affiliation, gender, or ability to pay. http://www.directrelief.org
Bhaktivedanta International Charities Bhaktivedanta International Charities Inc. is a tax exempt non-profit charitable organization registered in the United States of America dedicated to carrying out relief activities to help the poor and needy in India. Every month Bhaktivedanta International Charities feeds over 6,000 needy children in the drought and flood afflicted areas of Orissa, which comprise some of the poorest regions of India. Yet, there are hundreds of thousands of more children they are not able to help due to lack of financial resources. Your contribution can make the difference. http://www.foodrelief.org
AmeriCares AmeriCares is a non-profit disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization providing immediate response to emergency medical needs, as well as supporting long-term humanitarian assistance programs, for all people around the world, irrespective of race, creed or political persuasion. http://www.americaresfoundation.net
HISANI HISANI is a Tanzanian-registered NGO, working to improve the conditions of women and children who are disadvantaged in the region. They are concerned with basic rights, women in prison, AIDS orphans and street children. http://www.hisani.de
National Pain Foundation The National Pain Foundation (NPF), a nonprofit organization, was founded in 1998 to advance the functional recovery of pain patients through education and support. The NPF is built on the belief that early intervention of chronic pain conditions can positively change the direction of a person's life. The NPF recognizes that chronic pain is real. It is a disease in and of itself that needs to be diagnosed and managed as comprehensively as any other disease. Its goal is to empower patients by helping them become actively involved in the design of their treatment plan, exploring both traditional and complementary approaches to pain management. http://www.painconnection.org
Centre for Rural Education and Development Action Since 1982, CREDA, a non-governmental organisation, has been changing the lives of people in the eastern districts of Uttar Pradesh, India. The focus of its work is child education and through it the elimination of child labour. http://www.credaindia.org
Make-A-Wish Foundation The Make-A-Wish Foundation of America is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization whose mission is to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy. http://www.wish.org
Kenya Programmes of Disabled Persons Kenya Programmes of Disabled Persons (KPDP) is both an advocacy and a service provider organization which is sensitizing Persons With Disabilities and the society at large on the rights of Persons With Disabilities and which is also advocating for appropriate legislation for Persons With Disabilities in Kenya. http://www.kpdp.kabissa.org
Naandi Foundation The Naandi Foundation is a not for profit trust in India, working to eradicate poverty, by reducing inequities of resources and increasing access to opportunities in education, health and livelihood. http://www.naandi.org
National Mental Health Association The National Mental Health Association is the America's oldest and largest nonprofit organization addressing all aspects of mental health and mental illness. With more than 340 affiliates nationwide, NMHA works to improve the mental health of all Americans, especially the 54 million people with mental disorders, through advocacy, education, research and service. http://www.nmha.org
Orphan Foundation of America Youth without family support face unique challenges on the road to adulthood. The Orphan Foundation of America helps orphans and foster youth as they transition from foster care to young adulthood, with particular emphasis on helping these young men and women attend college and vocational school. http://www.orphan.org
Epilepsy Foundation The Epilepsy Foundation is a national, charitable organization, founded in 1968 as the Epilepsy Foundation of America. The only such organization wholly dedicated to the welfare of people with epilepsy, its mission is simple: to work for children and adults affected by seizures through research, education, advocacy and service. http://www.epilepsyfoundation.org
International Glaucoma Association The IGA is a registered charity which offers advice and support to glaucoma sufferers, campaigns for improved glaucoma services for glaucoma patients and aims to increase public awareness of glaucoma. It also funds considerable clinical research into the nature and treatment of the condition. http://www.iga.org.uk
National Brain Tumor Foundation The National Brain Tumor Foundation is a US non-profit organization serving people whose lives are affected by brain tumors. It is dedicated to promoting a cure for brain tumors, improving the quality of life and giving hope to the brain tumor community by funding meaningful research and providing patient resources, timely information and education. http://www.braintumor.org
Starlight Children's Foundation Starlight Childrenís Foundation is an international non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for seriously ill children and their families. Working with more than 1000 hospitals, the Foundation provides an impressive menu of both in-hospital and outpatient programs and services. http://www.starlight.org
Alzheimer's Association The Alzheimer's Association is the world leader in Alzheimer research and support. Through its national network of advocates and chapters, it advances research, improves services and care, creates awareness of Alzheimer's disease and mobilizes support. Its vision is a world without Alzheimer's disease. http://www.alz.org
CureSearch CureSearch is dedicated to reducing the devastating impact of cancer on infants, children, adolescents and young adults by supporting clinical and laboratory research on cancer causes, treatments, and cures, and by education and advocacy for the needs of children with cancer and their families. http://www.curesearch.org
National Breast Cancer Foundation The National Breast Cancer Foundation mission is to save lives by increasing awareness through education and providing mammograms for those in need. http://www.nationalbreastcancer.org
International Rescue Committee The International Rescue Committee is among the world's largest non-profit, non-sectarian, voluntary agency providing assistance to refugees, displaced persons and others fleeing persecution and violent conflict. Since 1933, the IRC has been a source of relief, hope and renewal for millions of people around the globe. http://www.theirc.org
American Health Assistance Foundation The American Health Assistance Foundation (AHAF) is a registered nonprofit charitable organization that has dedicated over 30 years to funding research on age-related and degenerative diseases, educating the public about these diseases, and providing emergency financial assistance to Alzheimer's disease patients and their caregivers. http://www.ahaf.org
Children of the Night Children of the Night is a private, non-profit, tax-exempt organization founded in 1979. It is dedicated to assisting children between the ages of 11 and 17 who are forced to prostitute on the streets for food and a place to sleep. It has existed since its inception through the sole support of private contributions. http://childrenofthenight.org
Childreach Childreach, Plan USA, is an international, humanitarian, child sponsorship and child focused development organization, as featured in the movie About Schmidt. Plan works in 45 developing countries within Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Sponsor a child today and make a difference by helping children and their families realize their full potential. http://www.childreach.org
Cancer Care CancerCare is dedicated to helping people face the many challenges of a cancer diagnosis. As the largest US non-profit organization of its kind, CancerCare provides free professional support services including counseling, education, financial assistance and practical help to people across the country. Since its inception in 1944, CancerCare has offered help and hope to more than two million people with cancer, their family members and friends, as well as healthcare professionals. Its services are available to people of all ages, with all types of cancer and at any stage of the disease. http://www.cancercare.org
Children International Children International's mission is to help children living in dire poverty. Through the generosity of contributors, this organization provides needy children with a variety of programs and services to meet their basic needs, enhances their human dignity and raises their physical and educational levels in a meaningful, lasting way. https://www.children.org
Naomi House Naomi House is situated near Winchester and is the only children's hospice providing respite and palliative care to families from across central southern England who have a child with a life threatening illness. http://www.naomihouse.org.uk
Pattaya Orphanage Trust Founded by Father Ray Brennan when a baby was abandoned to his care 30 years ago, the Pattaya Orphanage in Pattaya, Thailand, now provides a loving home, residential care and education for 180 orphans, up to 100 street children, 220 deaf or blind children and 200 disabled young people. http://www.pattayaorphanage.org.uk
Spafford Children's Center Association Spafford Children's Center is a nonprofit children's medical facility located in the Old City of Jerusalem. The charity maintains an Infant Welfare Center, a Pre-natal and Family Planning Clinic, an Outpatient Clinic for sick babies, plus hearing and vision testing, and school placement classes for developmentally delayed and traumatized children. The Center immunizes and treats over 40,000 children a year. http://www.spafford-kids.org
Vila Maninga Vila Maninga is a small UK registered charity working in rural Mozambique. It works with a local partner organisation to run a small community project. The project has foster homes for orphans, a primary school, a bible college, adult literacy work, a clinic and vocational training work. http://www.vila-maninga.org
Canadian Feed The Children Canadian Feed the Children is an independent, registered charity whose goal is to alleviate the impact of poverty on children. They work with local partners overseas and in Canada to enhance the well-being of children and the self-sufficiency of their families and communities. http://www.canadianfeedthechildren.ca
Muscular Dystrophy Campaign The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign is the only UK charity focusing on all muscular dystrophies and allied disorders. It has pioneered the search for treatments and cures for over 40 years and provides practical, medical and emotional support to people affected by the condition. http://www.muscular-dystrophy.org
United Palestinian Appeal United Palestinian Appeal, Inc. (UPA) is a U.S. non-profit, non-political, tax-exempt charity committed to providing social services to impoverished Palestinians residing in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and refugee camps of Lebanon. Founded in 1978, UPA supports wide-ranging humanitarian programs benefiting Palestinians within these regions. Its programs comprise four main areas: health care, education, agricultural and community development and child sponsorship. http://www.helpUPA.com
Zˆe's Place Baby Hospice Zˆe's is the first Baby Hospice in the UK, possibly the world, caring for babies who have multiple special needs both mentally and physically or life threatening/life shortening conditions. It offers respite and palliative terminal care to babies and their parents from birth. http://www.zoes-place.org
CHILDREN with LEUKAEMIA Leukaemia kills more children in the UK than any other disease. 40 years ago, Leukaemia was a virtual death sentence for children. Nowadays 2 out of 3 children affected will survive, but much still needs to be done whilst childrens' lives are in danger. CHILDREN with LEUKAEMIA is the UK charity committed to the research and treatment of childhood leukaemia, and the welfare of leukaemic children countrywide. http://www.leukaemia.org
Doctors Without Borders/MÈdecins Sans FrontiËres (MSF) - U.S.A. Doctors Without Borders/MÈdecins Sans FrontiËres (MSF) is an independent international medical relief organization that aids victims of armed conflict, epidemics, natural and man-made disasters, and others who lack healthcare due to geographic remoteness or ethnic marginalization. http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org
Children's Hunger Fund Children's Hunger Fund is a privately funded, nonprofit children's organization which exists to alleviate the suffering in children around the world. Whether it is hunger, malnutrition, poor medical care, abandonment or abuse, CHF works to provide products to assist in the care of children. http://www.childrenshungerfund.org
National Autistic Society The National Autistic Society (NAS) was formed in 1962 on the initiative of a group of parents who were later joined by professionally interested people. Today, the Society has grown into the UK's foremost charity for people with autism and those who care for them, spearheading national and international initiatives and providing a strong voice for autism. The organisation works in many areas to help people with autism live their lives with as much independence as possible. http://www.nas.org.uk
February (late)/March
Children's HeartLink Children's HeartLink, founded in 1969 and headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is an international medical charity dedicated to the treatment and prevention of heart disease in needy children. Children's HeartLink works in partnership with cardiovascular centers in developing countries to provide sustainable treatment and prevention programs for heart disease. http://www.childrensheartlink.org