Here you find a list of Web sites that we know to be linking to Linksgiving.com (Internet directories and search engines not included).
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The only way to have your own site linked by Linksgiving.com is to list it as a sponsor.
- Accademia degli Imperfetti - Cultural Association for study, performances, didactics of Early Music.
- AceHost : Web Hosting Services - Web hosting with pre-installed cgi scripts, 24/7 tech support and webhosting excellence.
- Acronym Finder - The Acronym Finder is a huge searchable database, containing over 233,000 acronyms, abbreviations and definitions. Covers: common acronyms, computers, science, technology, government, telecommunications & military acronyms.
- Administrative Solutions - Business and human resource manuals with software.
- Alan's Eclectic Links - Alan's Eclectic Links to Entertainment, Science, Culture, Films, Movies, Museums, Photography, History, Humour, Geography, Travel, E-magazines, Cool links, Internet, WebSite Building and Reference.
- Algebra help - Powerful algebra software that enables students to solve actual problems from algebra textbook and not just a limited set of computer generated examples.
- All About Tennis - Tennis information, trivia, and tips about anything related to tennis. Includes history of tennis, tail tennis clothing, and women's tennis apparel tips.
- All Country Info - Free detailed information on 200+ countries and territories spanning the entire world.
- All the Free Space - Free online file storage directory of more than 40 virtual disk space / file storage and sharing providers with detailed descriptions.
- Andreoni.com - Postcards, Business card design and printing - Andreoni.com offers professional graphic design and commercial printing services. Specializing in full color business cards, postcards and plastic cards.
- Apartments and villas to rent throughout Spain. - Apartments and villas to rent throughout
Spain. Holiday homes to rent direct from the owners.
- Art Sender - A gallery of museum quality, hand-painted oil paintings, reproductions of world famous artists' masterpieces. Reasonable prices and free shipping!
- Atlanta's Finest Staffing - Employment agency and recruiter in the Atlanta, Georgia area.
- Awesome Library - Organizes the Web with 22,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education.
- B-Dry Basement Waterproofing NEPA - Patented basement waterproofing system permanently repairs wet, leaky basements. An independent licensee of B-Dry System, Inc.
- BabyNameAddicts.com - The Motherlode of Baby Names! - Over 51,000 names, with meanings, origins, popularity graphs, surveys, and more! What does YOUR name mean? Where accuracy is taken seriously.
- Baltimore Hotels Inc - Offers discount reservations on Baltimore hotels, motels, inns, and b&b's.
- Banner Stands - A limited lifetime warranty on all trade show display pop-up frames against defects in materials or workmanship in normal use.
- Behind the Name - The etymology and history of first names.
- Best Domain Name Registration Services - Low cost domain name registration and Web hosting services with bulk registration, domain name transfering and e-mail forwarding service.
- BigBlueHost.com - Provides Web Hosting for both website hosting and business hosting. Company web site hosting for Ecommerce web hosting. "If your looking for cheap and affordable web hosting then our internet web hosting is right for your business".
- Bill of Sale Form - Offers a variety of bill of sale form templates.
- Braingle - User submitted and ranked brain teasers, riddles, logic problems and mind puzzles. Exercise the brain and boost learning and creativity.
- BreakTheChain.org - Your source for common-sense evaluations of e-mail chain letters, helpful tips and advice.
- Brian's Space Hotlist - A collection of thousands of links to quality space information intelligently organized into a number of topics and annotations that make it clear what each site listed is about.
- Business Process Outsourcing - The Outsource Guide is a premium resource for companies looking for offshore outsourcing & business process outsourcing. You can find outsourcing companies for particular Country, Industry Type and Functional Area.
- California Colleges Search - community colleges & schools - Search engine for California colleges, community colleges, schools and universities.
- Capella Musicae - Historically Informed Performances of Early Music on Period Instruments.
- Car rental Greece - Best car hire services in Greece and Athens car rental by Antena.gr.
- Car Sales Parts Rentals Insurance - Online showcase of new and used cars. Find auto parts, rentals, insurance of all kinds, trucks, Jeeps, collectibles, auto magazines and more.
- CatEtc: Cat Collars, Jewelry, Furniture - Online retailer of cat collars, jewelry, furniture for cats and kittens. Collars from Hawaii. Offering a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee.
- Center for History of Physics - The Center for History of Physics at the American Institute of Physics has a mission to preserve and make known the history of modern physics and allied sciences including astronomy, geophysics, optics, and the like.
- Cheap domain name registration - Affordable domain name registration and transfer
service by Cheap Domain Name Registrar.
- Cheap Web hosting - Your independent web hosting guide by one of the biggest information web hosting related website RateMyHost.com.
- Cheap Web Hosting Directory - Searchable directory of affordable Web hosting providers with monthly fees under $25, free referral/reseller programs and budget-saving hosting plans.
- Cheap website hosting reviews - Independent web hosting user's reviews and useful articles of how to choose the best web hosting provider at HostingConsumerReport.org.
- Cheap-DomainRegistration.com - Domain Registration $8.75, Transfers only $7.75! Free parking, free URL forwarding, free domain name generator software, and more.
- Classical Net - Offers a comprehensive collection of information and news on classical music subjects including articles and CD reviews, composers and their music, the basic repertoire, recommended classical music recordings and a CD buying guide.
- Coast and Country Holidays - Over 220 welsh self catering cottages, ideal for family holidays, weekend breaks and late deals. Brochure and online booking available.
- College and University Search - Search for the Best College and University courses in the UK and US then order all the prospectuses that you need.
- Completely FREE Software - Freeware heaven! A fabulous selection of completely free Win/DOS software, tested, reviewed and rated. Free weekly email newsletter.
- Cooking Schools - Cooking Classes & School Search - Cooking School search engine for cooking schools and cooking classes. Le Cordon Bleu certification.
- CooksRecipes.com - Enjoy browsing through cookbooks? Then you'll love this popular cooking and recipe resource specializing in recipes, helpful cookery charts, culinary articles, tips, messageboards and more.
- Cool Site of the Day - Cool Site of the Day features links to the coolest and best Web sites and is home to the Cool Daily and the Cool Site of the Day Newsletter, which goes out to over 200,000.
- Corporate Logo Design For Your Business by 01-logo-design.com - 01 Logo Design specializes in custom logo design for your business. "We create a powerful business image for your company. With your new business logo design you will achieve not just a name display, but a brand".
- Create Web Site and Web Photo Album - Provides Web site creation software that helps you to create a Web site or a photo album. Free trial download.
- Creative Freelance Web Developer - Craig Poulton provides creative and professional e-business solutions and high end Web design.
- Crewed yacht charter greece - Luxury crewed motor yacht charters in Greece by Christaldi S.
- Cyndi's List - Genealogy sites on the Internet: more than 126,450 links! 118,200 links, categorized & cross-referenced, in over 150 categories; another 8,200+ uncategorized new links in the works...
- Data Recovery - Digital image recovery and data recovery is highly demanded yet unfamiliar to most consumers. Visit our site for more details!
- Dbbest - database migration services - DB Best Technologies specializes in database migration consulting and development services. We will migrate your database from Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 UDB or Sybase platform to any one of the above.
- Diamonds n Gold Jewelry by Spotted Pony - Engagement rings, wedding rings, earrings and fine colored gemstone jewelry at discount prices. We feature jewelry by Elma Gil and Etruscan gold wedding rings.
- Disability Insurance - Disability insurance can replace a portion of your income when you are unable to work because of injury or illness. There are two major types of disability coverage.
- Domain registration by Active-Domain - Register or transfer domain name from $8.95/yr. Includes comprehensive free services such as URL/Email forwarding.
- Ecommerce web site design & web site designer & accessible web site design - Website design and development by New York based web site designer. We provide innovative solutions for all your business needs, ecommerce web site design, accessible web site design, web site design New York.
- Ecommerce website development, offshore website development - We are a New York based ecommerce website development & custom web application development firm, our e-commerce software solution packages include real estate web site development packages, online trading software packages etc.
- Earth Science Picture of the Day - Highlights the diverse processes and phenomena which shape our planet and our lives. EPOD will collect and archive photos, imagery, graphics, and artwork with short explanatory captions and links exemplifying features within the Earth system. The community is invited to contribute digital imagery, short captions and relevant links.
- Employee Handbook - Employee Handbook Template written by employment lawyers.
- EyeWitness to History - Your ringside seat to history, from the Ancient World to the present. History through the eyes of those who lived it.
- Five Star Recipes at Stallion Store - Recipes for holiday, healthy and frugal cooking. Tips, gifts, ideas and guides. Free weekly ezine, recipes for bread, fruit, low carb, crafts, gift baskets, appetizers and more.
- Flashiness.com - Free Flash Animations for Your Website - No flash knowledge or authorig software required.
- Fred Langa's Hotspots! - A New, Unusual, Interesting, Useful, Cool, Weird, Funny, or Technically Slick Site Each and Every Day!
- Free Web Space Finder - Searchable database of more than 400 free Web space providers. Simple Search and Advanced Search with comprehensive set of searchable parameters are available.
- Freelance writing jobs - A marketplace for buyers and providers: freelance writing jobs, freelance programmers, freelance web designers and other freelance tech jobs at eJobsSite.com.
- Get Out of Debt - Simple, practical tips and advice to help you get out of debt.
- GetCheapBooks.com - Get Cheap Books compares over 4 million prices for new and used books and textbooks. Good for books, great for college textbooks!
- Greenlight Search Engine Optimisation - Get more from search engine optimisation & search engine promotion with Greenlight. A best practise search engine marketing company, providing: CPC, S.E.O. consultancy, trusted feed submission and web analytics services in the UK and Worldwide.
- Guessmaster.com - Fun Internet guessing games: guess the person, guess the animal, guess the object, AI guessing games loaded with Artificial Intelligence. Safe for kids.
- Handmade Jewelry Store - Pixie Jewels offers handmade necklaces, chokers, bracelets, earrings and rings made from real gemstones! Our unique designs make wonderful gifts, or buy that new piece of favorite jewelry just for you. Designs for Play, or Mischief...
- Hints and Tips - Global hints and tips Web site and practical information resource featuring user supplied tips and queries.
- Hungarian Jewish Roots - The first Web site dealing only with Jewish ancestral research on the territory of the former Hungarian Kingdom.
- Imperial Tea Garden - Over 50 varieties of gourmet loose leaf tea, tea bags and compressed tea. Choose from a variety of attractive and convenient packaging options.
- Internet Marketing and Promotion from DigitalAwol.com.
- Internet marketing and web site marketing strategies - Software, ebooks, articles and resources related to online, affiliate and search engine marketing. Ezine: Web Money Marketing Videos.
- Internet Marketing Strategy - Watch this FREE audio presentation just like TV and learn what a good internet marketing strategy can do for your company.
- Internet Resources Newsletter - Free, monthly, non-subscription newsletter for academics, students, engineers, scientists and social scientists.
- JollyCard.com - Ecards - Card Greetings - Free Greeting Cards.
- K12news.com - Find exciting new resources for educators, parents & students.
- Kidsworld Online - Bring fun to your children and kid rooms with fun bedding pillows and bedroom accessories for kids of all ages.
- La Couturière Parisienne - Costume and Fashion Site - A repository of fashion and costume history info from medieval times to the early 20th century: pictures and patterns, an extensive how-to section and specials.
- Last Minute Wales - A useful directory of Welsh sites for booking that Last Minute Break in Wales; find places to stay and eat and things to see and do.
- Learn English Online - Free, comprehensive ESL site with a host of resources for students and teachers of English.
- Lengua Translations by professional translators - Professional translation to and from all languages by high qualified translators.
- Lighting Infocus - Interior and garden lighting advice and ideas.
- Link Recruitment - 10x Marketing can help get top SEO rankings on your selected keywords.
- Lisa's Library of Writing - Discover Lisa's writing ranging from soap/bath & body recipes to fiction, figure skating, aromatherapy, and publishing advice. Explore an array of links. This is the home of Lisa Maliga, author of the novel "North of Sunset".
- London Web Design, Managed Web Hosting and Marketing Services - K Internet provide web design, managed web hosting and web marketing services for successful Internet business development.
- LuckyRegister.com - Cheap domain name registration, expired domain name, domain backorder.
- Mark III Messenger - IT Technology Newsletter - A bimonth weekly e-newsletter from one of Texas' top IT product and service providers. It covers products, developments and trends in high-volume computing from technology leaders like IBM, EMC and Veritas.
- Miura Design - Web site Promotion & Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Miura Design provides Web site promotion and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services for small business web sites to large e-commerce sites requiring Search Engine Optimization & Google Page Ranking.
- Motor yachts - Afroudakis Yachting operates in yachting industry including activities of yacht design and construction, yacht brokerage and luxury yachts charter management.
- Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet - An annotated guide to Shakespeare resources on the Internet.
- National Mental Health Information Center - Mental illness facts, mental health services, health tips.
- Newbie Hangout - Free Graphics, PSP, Java & HTML Tutorials.
- Okanagan Wine Club - Where the pleasures of wine and food are as important to us as the Okanagan's rich history, estate vineyards, and winemaking practices.
- Olive Oil - Australian producers of organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and lemon pressed olive oil. Website includes olive oil information, healthy pasta recipes, Italian recipes, restaurant recipes and online olive oil sales.
- OMSoftwares - Softwares and Web sites solutions to small up to big business.
- Online Trading Academy - "A cutting-edge training firm focusing on educating traders in stock trading, forex currency trading, options trading and futures trading. OTA is the ONLY trading school in the world that lets you execute live orders in the classroom without risking your own capital".
- OnlineTurkish.com - Online courses to learn Turkish language; includes listening exercises recorded by native speakers, online dictionary, pronunciation guide, vocabulary and information about Turkey.
- Orchestra Barocca del Friuli Venezia Giulia "G.B.Tiepolo" - Web site of the "G.B.Tiepolo" Baroque Orchestra.
- Pencildude.com - Free e-zine dedicated to helping you to enjoy and understand your computer and the Internet so that you get the most out of them; featuring articles, reviews and free downloads. Published every month.
- Phone Cards - Phone Cards and Prepaid calling Cards.
- Pop Up Displays - UK's leading supplier of Exhibition & Banner Stands, Pop Up & Exhibition Displays, Portable Stands & Exhibition Graphics.
- PrimaryGames.com - Fun site for elementary kids that features educational games, printable coloring pages, holiday activities, free musical postcards, crafts, puzzles, and more!
- Programmers Heaven - The most complete online source to download free programming files, source code, tools and more for a whole range of languages and technologies, including VB, C/C++/C#, .NET and Java. Over 19,000 resources for you to explore!
- Promotional Products Consulting - Set up your own ad specialty distributorship and deal direct with 2,300 factories buying 500,000 products factory direct to sell to your customers. Profits up to 50% and more.
- Purplebear's Shop N Earn - Online shopping directory with sales and coupons. Recipes, gardening tips, health reference, fun stuff for children, and other help. Rewards programs and surveys.Theme's purple and teddy bears.
- RADIOING - Featuring traditional amateur radio from A to Z, with special emphasis on the technical attributes, community service, and the classic vacuum tube radios. Includes ham radio exam information, RF design calculators, RadioTrader, SpaceTeam, Callsign Search, and virtual Ham Radio Museum.
- RED Free Circuit Designs - Free electronic schematics for the hobbyist to build useful and original devices.
- Red Hot Domain Names - Free expired domain name lists.
- RedWagonTeam.com - Search over 30,000 properties for sale including homes and condos in Southern California listed for sale by ALL of the real estate companies. You can make detailed searches using our additional search options.
- Saskatoon (East) School Division #41 - Lesson plans and great teacher resources, student homework help, free software to use in your classroom. Online student publishing.
- Science Hobbyist - Amateur science resources, kids' science projects and activities, science textbook errors, Tesla coil construction, physics teaching articles, electricity articles, electrostatics projects. Weird science archives including antigravity, free energy, ball lightning, anomaly reporting, build-it projects, freenrg-L discussion group. Very content-heavy, link collections too. From Bill Beaty.
- Search Engine Optimization - Full Search Engine Optimization services with the most thought-out strategies on the Internet!
- Sharpened.net - Your Computer and Internet Resource.
- ShopForPowerTools.com - Quality, brand name power tools at discount prices, tool buying guides, consumer alerts, power tool recommendations, woodworking books, reconditioned tools, and more.
- Silicon Alley Computers - "Computer shopping is easy at our online computer store. You can buy a new computer, notebook computer, software, laptop computer, upgrade, and more. We also offer pc hardware and software installations".
- Site Visibility - Web Marketing Services, Search Engine Promotion Company, UK.
- The Biology Project - An interactive online resource for learning biology developed at The University of Arizona. The Biology Project is fun, richly illustrated, and tested on 1000s of students. It has been designed for biology students at the college and high school level, but is useful for medical students, physicians, science writers, and all types of interested people.
- The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth - Hosts the best and most complete online collection of astronaut photographs of the Earth.
- The Guru Group - Corporate site of The Guru Group.
- The Hindu Business Line - Financial Daily from THE HINDU group of publications.
- The J.S. Bach Home Page - An extensive biography, tour of Bach's life in Germany, catalog of his works, bibliography, recommended recordings, and other Bach resources on the Web.
- The Online Guide to Traditional Games - Provides history, useful links and current information about traditional games from around the world.
- The Space Place - NASA site for children and adults with fun activities and amazing facts related to the exploration of space, past, current, and future. Some activities are computer-interactive and many are real-world-interactive.
- The Teacher's Corner - Teacher resources, lesson plans, thematic units, seasonal/subject activities and more. Find new and exciting ideas!
- The Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale - Over 300 wholesale, surplus, overstock, liquidation, power tool, closeout, computer, designer apparel, jewelry, fragrance, consumer electronic, DVD, software, video game, and gaming hardware dealers!
- The Vincent van Gogh Gallery - All paintings, drawings, watercolours, graphic works, letters plus news, analysis, commentary and resources...
- The Wahhabi Myth - The true ideological sources of Osama Bin Laden & al-Qaeda's deviant beliefs.
- Titanic Nautical Resource Center - Your number one resource for Titanic and Nautical related articles, pictures, groups, and general free information.
- Tree of Life Web Project - The Tree of Life is a global, collaborative effort documenting biodiversity and phylogeny of life. Its goal is to compile information about evolutionary history and characteristics of all organisms.
- UK Internet Shops - UK Online Shopping Directory.
- Web Design UK Web Design Bristol UK - Web Design UK delivers effective Web site design, Web site promotion and search engine optimisation from professional Web Design Bristol UK consultants.
- Web development, web hosting, domain registration and internet marketing in Pakistan - Hansons offers website designing and development services, search engine optimization, submission, internet marketing, web hosting and domain registration services in Pakistan.
- Web hosting tutorial - Provides Web hosting tutorial and other resources for webmasters.
- Web Site Ranking & Link Popularity Services - Cremagine.com offers Low Cost Web Site Ranking & Link Popularity Services.
- Web's eye view - "The eye scans the Web, the vast, uncharted, turbulent horizons, filtering out the chaff, and bringing you only the most precious, desirable nuggets... or so we think".
- Webmaster-Club.com - A well organized collection of Free JavaScript's.
- whichbook.net - Gives readers an enjoyable and intuitive way to find books to match their mood. Instead of starting from the overwhelming choice of books available, whichbook.net starts from the reader, and enables each individual to build the elements of that elusive 'good read' we are all looking for but don't quite know how to define.
- Wimbledon Tennis.co.uk - Wimbledontennis.co.uk offers a comprehensive Wimbledon tournament resource center including the latest news, matches informations, history tables, facts, tickets, fan reviews, facts and statistics.
- Windows to the Universe - Comprehensive, graphics intensive, fun Web site about the Earth and Space Sciences.
Last updated: Monday, February 7, 2005